To better understand the potential for open data to meet information needs at the local level, the D4D Program supported Foundation for Development Management to conduct a study into the open data landscape in 11 municipalities.
Open data holds huge potential for improving civic engagement. It can help governments to provide citizens with information they need about their services and projects, and can help citizens to hold the government accountable. However, at present, very little is known in Nepal about what data and information citizens, civil society groups and businesses want from their local governments, and so it can be challenging for Nepal’s new local governments to meet the information and data needs of their constituents.
In recognition of this, the D4D Program is supporting Foundation for Development Management to conduct a study into the demand for and the use of (open) data and information by citizens, government, civil society groups and local businesses. The study attempts to grow understanding of the perception, knowledge and practices of demanding data and its use by citizens as well as the capacity of local governments for data use. The study specifically aims to achieve the following:
At the larger impact level, the findings of this study will be useful to inform efforts by local governments to publicly disclose information and data. For example, the findings can be used to assist local governments in prioritizing datasets to open; support citizens, local CSOs and businesses in seeking specific information and (open) data from local governments; and inform the design of strategies by development agencies to increase the demand, availability, accessibility and use of (open) data at local level. The study is taking place in the 11 municipalities of The Asia Foundation’s Subnational Governance Program.