To better understand how open data can support business in Nepal, the D4D program supported FACTS Research & Analytics to conduct a study into the need, use and sharing of data by Nepal’s private sector.
Call for Applications: On behalf of the Data for Development Program implemented by The Asia Foundation in partnership with Development Initiatives, we would like to invite you to an interactive training on Quantitative and Qualitative Research Skills.
The D4D Program is pleased to announce the upcoming “Designing for Open Data Impact” course, which will take place in Kathmandu over three days from Wednesday 3rd to Friday 5th April
Call for Application: Small Grants for Open Data Day (Closed) Would your organisation like to mark Open Data Day 2019 with an event or activity? Then apply for a small grant from the Data for […]
At the core of the data-for-development conversation is the critical need for more and better data, especially disaggregated social and demographic data, to make and measure progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and to understand who is being left behind.
To improve the availability and facilitate the use of disability data and research in Nepal, the D4D Program funded the National Federation of the Disabled - Nepal to develop a Disability Open Data and Information Portal.
The Constitution of Nepal adopted in 1990 guaranteed the right to information for the first time as a fundamental right to its citizens. However, still challenges remain in terms of accessing information and in particular, the underlying data.
Nepal conducted a massive household survey following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. This data is now shared in a free, online portal alongside comprehensible maps, charts and tables.
Do you have innovative ideas on how data can be used to address development challenges in Nepal? Then apply for the 2018 Data for Development Innovation Fund!