The report highlights the recent progress achieved by Nepal’s data community and important lessons and approaches that can guide the community’s future progress
Homegrown initiative to map disaster-related information and events in order to ensure coordinated and consolidated efforts towards disaster response and reduction.
Data portal not only allows users to find innovation across the country in several sectors but one can also add innovation and seek support in terms of capital, human, and other required resources.
Winner of two day Solve-a-thon; MunshiG, is an easy-to-use agriculture cashbook management app specificially designed for farmers with digital Financial Literacy modules
Winner of two day Solve-a-thon; Hawa ko Reporter, provides instant air quality checks and information on COVID-19 on the tip of your fingers. Suggests the level of vulnerability and type of mask you can wear while going out.
“All the organizations are working towards the same mission and vision and we have come together (as member of steering committee of WID) to solve bigger issues with bigger goals” –Melisha Ghimire from Girls in Tech-Nepal
To better understand how open data can support business in Nepal, the D4D program supported FACTS Research & Analytics to conduct a study into the need, use and sharing of data by Nepal’s private sector.
To improve the availability and facilitate the use of disability data and research in Nepal, the D4D Program funded the National Federation of the Disabled - Nepal to develop a Disability Open Data and Information Portal.
To better understand the Nepal’s national statistical system and the availability of development data in Nepal for decision-making and monitoring development progress, the D4D Program supported Bikas Udhyami to conduct a development data audit.